Thursday, April 9, 2020

Here Are the 10 Most Popular WordPress Plugins of All Time (Based on Data)

There are over 55,000+ plugins in the official WordPress plugin repository. Thats, like, a lot. Of course, not all of them receive regular updates and use, but the ones we are going to talk about today dont fit those criteria. No, this post is focused on  the most popular WordPress plugins of all time.Ever wonder which plugins get used the most? Wonder no more we did the math! Below, youll find the data-backed list (i.e. this is not an opinion list). Yoast SEO Author(s): Team YoastCurrent Version: 12.3Last Updated: October 15, 98%Ratings 200,063,756Downloads WP 4.9+Requires One of the plugins that gets a lot of love from people is, without a doubt, Yoast SEO. This plugin is used by (almost) everyone who has a blog or site on WordPress. In fact, it can be hard to find websites that DONT have Yoast SEO installed (well we know of ~50 million actually! Check out #7).So, if youre one of those people who doesnt use this plugin well, it helps you impr ove the overall SEO score of your articles and pages. With it, you can set your main keyword, the meta description, slug, SEO title, the alt attributes of your images, and it also recommends the best practices for good readability. Its nice because the plugin offers stats and actionable advice on how to improve your work and, when everything is done by the book, you get the green light.Who can use Yoast SEO? I think its for everybody because we all want to rank better in the search engines, dont we?2. Akismet Akismet Anti-Spam Author(s): AutomatticCurrent Version: 4.1.2Last Updated: May 14, 94%Ratings 143,374,346Downloads WP 4.0+Requires Not far from Yoast SEO when it comes to the number of downloads is Akismet Anti-Spam. Akismet is a tool developed by Automattic, made to automatically block spam comments. Every day, we are spammed by either promotional links, irrelevant stories, malicious content or simply by mistake. And its very hard to filter them a ll by yourself, especially if you own a business that gets hundreds of comments per day.The plugin is good not only for automation but also for security purposes since it wont allow malicious or problematic content to be published on your site.Akismet also checks all your contact form submissions against their global database of spam, so youll be sure only the good and relevant information gets to you. The plugin is mandatory for blog and business owners who receive at least tens of comments daily.3. Jetpack Jetpack by Author(s): AutomatticCurrent Version: 7.8Last Updated: October 1, 78%Ratings 145,415,907Downloads WP 5.1+Requires Another plugin built by Automattic makes the top of the most popular WordPress plugins. This time, its Jetpack, a multipurpose tool thats good at (almost) everything. It helps you with marketing, design, and security. Among its various features, you can find site analytics, automated social media posting, multiple WordPress themes, spam filtering, downtime monitoring, malware scanning, login security, lazy image loading, CDN, and more.Jetpack comes in one free and three paid plans, so not all of its features are free of charge. The plugin is suitable for personal blogs, and for both startups and corporate businesses. It fits all the basic needs and all budgets.4. Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 Author(s): Takayuki MiyoshiCurrent Version: 5.1.4Last Updated: August 4, 82%Ratings 120,968,634Downloads WP 4.9+Requires The next most popular plugin is Contact Form 7, which creates simple and effective contact forms for your blog. Given that all of us need an easy way to connect with people, its not a surprise to see this plugin so high on the list. The plugin was developed by  Takayuki Miyoshi and can handle multiple contact forms on the same site; it also integrates Akismet spam filtering  and lets you customize the styling and fields that you want to use in t he form. The plugin provides CAPTCHA and Ajax submitting.Again, this is one of the plugins that can be used by absolutely everyone, no matter if youre running a personal blog or youre having a business that you monetize. Why? Because its free, easy to configure, and efficient.5. Wordfence Security Wordfence Security Firewall Malware Scan Author(s): WordfenceCurrent Version: 7.4.0Last Updated: August 22, 96%Ratings 135,846,747Downloads WP 3.9+Requires As you can see, the most popular WordPress plugins are diverse and come with a wide range of features. Now, Wordfence is a plugin only about security; it was created to keep your site safe. Wordfence puts a firewall on your site to keep it away from malicious traffic. Apart from that, it offers a malware scanner which blocks suspect external attempts and provides a secure login system.Whats nice about this plugin is that it provides alerts every time something weird happens on your site. By weird, I mea n anything that shouldnt happen in terms of security. For instance, when a plugin that you use gets closed or abandoned or when a vulnerability issue takes place.At a first sight (and in a professionals book), having Wondfence installed on your WordPress site is mandatory if you dont want to face unneeded problems or at least if you want to decrease potential dangers. But of course, there are lots of people in this world who dont think security is something to worry about, so Keeping your site in check would be ideal, but its only up to you how you see things and how you want to deal with issues (prevent them or fight them when its the case).6. WooCommerce WooCommerce Author(s): AutomatticCurrent Version: 3.7.1Last Updated: October 9, 92%Ratings 77,312,503Downloads WP 4.9+Requires How could e-commerce miss this list of the most popular WordPress plugins? WooCommerce is the plugin that lets you turn your WordPress site into an online shop, so you can sell your products to your clients on the web.Of course, this plugin was built for commercial purposes, so all its users must be business owners (be it for side projects or for a living).Whats nice about WooCommerce is that its very flexible in terms of customization options. Apart from the built-in settings, lots of developers built a community around it and created extensions, so that selling online can be as smooth as possible. With WooCommerce you can sell both physical and digital goods, add product variations, use affiliate links, and extensive payment methods.7. All in One SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack Author(s): Michael TorbertCurrent Version: 3.2.9Last Updated: September 26, 88%Ratings 61,774,317Downloads WP 4.7+Requires SEO is a very popular topic across the web. When it comes to what gets shared in WordPress, we found out that SEO was the second most interesting topic, after plugins. So, if you want to experiment more or need an a lternative to Yoast, you can try All in One SEO Pack, created to help both beginners and advanced users alike (including developers).How does this plugin help you? Apart from the basic SEO instructions for content optimization, the plugin also offers XML sitemap, Google Analytics, and Google AMP support. An awesome feature  of this tool is that it provides SEO integration for e-commerce sites.Who can use All in One SEO Pack? Everyone. If you host a personal blog which you want to grow, own a business of any type, or youre a professional blogger, this plugin should be a valuable addition to your artillery.8. Google Analytics for WordPress Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights Author(s): using Google Analytics? I mean, especially if you have big plans with your website. If you want to grow your personal, hobby blog into something that you can monetize, you cant do it without Google Analytics.So Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is a plugin that make s the connection between your WordPress site and Google Analytics easier. The plugin offers quick and powerful integration if you simply copy and paste the tracking code to your site. After you do this, the plugin just works. A cool feature is that you can monitor the stats without leaving your dashboard because it imports the numbers from Analytics to your WordPress admin area.9. WP Super Cache WP Super Cache Author(s): AutomatticCurrent Version: 1.7.0Last Updated: August 16, 86%Ratings 30,859,198Downloads WP 3.1+Requires Performance is essential, so its no surprise that #9 is a plugin thats in charge of speeding up your website. How does it work exactly? By generating static HTML files from your WordPress blog to save time. WP Super Cache comes with three types of caching: Expert, Simple (recommended for beginner and intermediate users), and WP-Cache catching.This plugin is also one of those that you must install on your website because it help s you big time, especially if you host a large amount of content (read media files: photos, videos, animations etc). So if you consider your site heavy from this standpoint, then a caching plugin will make it lighter.10. WordPress Importer WordPress Importer Author(s): wordpressdotorgCurrent Version: 0.6.4Last Updated: May 7, 60%Ratings 28,027,684Downloads WP 3.6+Requires As we finish up this list of the most popular WordPress plugins, lets meet WordPress Importer along the way, which is also part of the most popular WordPress plugins that were ever created. So if you want to import files from a WordPress site, this plugin lets you do it in a few clicks. WordPress Importer allows you to import pretty much anything into your site.This plugin was built for two categories of people: those who own more than one website and import/export content often and those who occasionally (or even once in their lifetime) need this plugin to migrate the conte nt from the current site to a new one.Did the most popular WordPress plugins surprise you?Based on the data from, these are the most popular WordPress plugins in existence. Did any of them surprise you?And wed also love to know which of these plugins youre using, as well as any  alternatives that youd recommend. Here are the 10 most popular #WordPress #plugins of all time - based on #data!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Why Spanish Words From Greek Often Break the Gender Rule

Why Spanish Words From Greek Often Break the Gender Rule Greek words abound  in Spanish  - but with a twist. Most if not all Spanish words that end in -ma and come from Greek are masculine  even though the last letter is a. Why Greek Words Often Break the Gender Rule There are dozens of such words. Among the ones youre likely to recognize even if you know little Spanish are problema (problem), tema (theme or subject), teorema (theorem), trauma (trauma), and poema (poem). A few other Greek-derived nouns with other endings also break the rule, including  planeta (planet). So the question often comes up: Why are these words from Greek ending in -a masculine? According to the popular language website Del Castellano, it has to do with the way the words entered the language. In Greek these words were all neuter gender, and they remained neuter as they became part of Latin. But as Latin morphed into Spanish, the masculine and neuter genders merged in a way that formerly neuter nouns became masculine. (The neuter gender still exists in Spanish for some specialized situations, but it isnt used for the names of things.) Something similar happened with the Greek words that evolved into those Spanish words ending in -ta that refer to roles of people, such as dentista (dentist) and atleta (athlete). Those words were masculine in Greek and then Latin. As Spanish evolved, the default form of those words continued to be masculine - but they alternatively could become feminine when referring to women. Many words for occupations fit this category. Unfortunately, theres no foolproof way to know which Spanish words ending in -ma come from Greek, although nearly all of them have English cognates, and many have them are connected with science or academic matters. Among the -ma words that dont come from Greek is và ­ctima (victim), which is feminine even referring to a male. Và ­ctima comes from Latin and thus follows the regular pattern. Sample Sentences Here are sentences showing some of the masculine -a words in use. The words may have meanings other than those in the translations: Pocas flores tienen un aroma tan poderoso como la gardenia. (Few flowers have a scent as strong as does the gardenia.) El carisma es una especie de magnetismo que inspira confianza y adoracià ³n. (Charisma is a type of attraction that inspires confidence and adoration.) El clima de Colombia es muy variado. (The climate of Colombia is quite varied.) El coma es un estado de inconsciencia prolongadoc caracterizada por una pà ©rdida de funciones importantes de la vida. (A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness characterized by a loss of important life functions.  Note that coma when it means comma is feminine.) El astrà ³nomo britnico Edmund Halley fue el primero en calcular la à ³rbita de un cometa. (The British astronomer Edmund Halley was the first to calculate the orbit of a comet. Note that the feminine cometa is the word for a kite.) El cromosoma humano 14 ha sido completamente secuenciado. (Human chromosome 14 has been completely sequenced.) El diafragma es una parte del objetivo que limita el rayo de luz que penetra en la cmara. (The diaphragm is a part of the lens that limits the light beam entering the camera.) Un diagrama de Venn usa cà ­rculos. (A Venn diagram uses circles.) Los dilemas morales son una preocupacià ³n desde la antigà ¼edad. (Moral dilemmas have been a concern since antiquity.)  ¿Crees que eres inteligente? Aquà ­ encontrars algunos muy difà ­ciles enigmas. (Do you think youre intelligent? Here you will find some very difficult puzzles.) Aunque es muy raro, los fantasmas pueden ser visibles durante el dà ­a. (Although its quite rare, ghosts can be visible during the day.) No todos los idiomas espaà ±oles son latinos. (Not all the languages of Spain are from Latin.) Esta organizacià ³n es como un sistema cerrado. (This organization is like a closed system.) El tema seleccionado del estudio debe ser un problema prioritario de nuestra sociedad. (The subject selected for the study should be a critical problem in our society.) El teorema de Pitgoras est relacionado con la geometrà ­a y la trigonometrà ­a. (The Pythagorean theorem is related to geometry and trigonometry.) â€Å" ¿Cul es tu programa favorito de la televisià ³n? (What is your favorite television program?) Enviar un telegrama de hasta 40 palabras cuesta en Argentina unos 300 pesos. (Sending a telegram of up to 40 words costs about 300 pesos in Argentina.) Una extraccià ³n de sangre puede provocar trauma sicolà ³gico. (A blood drawing can cause psychological trauma.)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

International Trade and Maritime Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Trade and Maritime Law - Essay Example Carrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods at the time of receipt of goods to the time of delivery. Whereas the Hague-Visby Rules denotes the Scope of Coverage as an implication where it covers the period of time when the goods are loaded on the ship to the time they are discharged from the ship. ((Sundaram, 2004, pg 12) When the matter of Carriers' Covered is taken into consideration the Hamburg Rules covers carriers that conclude a contract of carriage of goods by sea or are named in a contract of carriage of goods by sea with a shipper. Also covers "actual carriers" which include any person entrusted by the carrier to perform all or part of the carriage of the goods. (Sundaram,2003, pg 29) Under the Hamburg Rules the carrier is liable for loss, damage, or delay in delivery of goods, if the loss occurred while the goods were under the carrier's charge, unless the carrier proves that he, his servant or agents took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences (loss or damage). More over, in accordance to the Carrier Liability or Duty of Care rules of Hague-Visby Rules the carrier shall properly load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, and discharge the goods carried and supply ship. ((Sundaram,2004, pg 21) In the case of Carrier Defenses to Liability Hamburg Rules states that the carrier must prove that he, his servants or agent took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences. Whereas under The Hague-Visby Rules the loss or damage resulting from: 1. Unseaworthiness (but the carrier must show that the unseaworthiness did not result from carrier's lack of due diligence); 2. Error in navigation or management of the ship; 3. Fire (unless

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The History of Deregulation of Aviation in the Airline Industry Research Paper

The History of Deregulation of Aviation in the Airline Industry - Research Paper Example According to Smith & Cox (2007), one decade of airline decontrol implementation led to 35% growths in the airline industry, through increased employment and passenger travel. The two economists say that traveling increased by 55 %, as the real travel cost decreased by approximately 17% in the major routes. They found that by the second decade, ticket prices decreased by 20% in real terms, while passengers served were 324 million. Historically, airline services were partially regulated, because of oligopoly and monopoly concerns, as only a few airlines provided flights that were direct between cities. The aim of the US airline deregulation was to control entries and reduce prices in the transport system in the United States. Since then, many other nations have seen the need to deregulate their domestic airline markets, and this has effectively been applied in European Union airline markets. Today a big number of international airline markets are subject to tight airline regulations. In the United States, airline deregulation was born from the 1925 Air Mail Act and the 1926 Air Commerce Act. Serious commercial aviation economic regulation began in 1938 with Civil Aeronautics Act passage. The creation of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) gave it the power to regulate and control airline routes as well as market entry and exit, and mandate service rates. Later, airline safety regulation was passed together with the 1958 Federal Aviation Act that bore Federal Aviation Administration. By 1938, US government was regulating much commercial aviation in terms of routes, schedules, and fare. The three main functions of the CAB are regulating airline route, limiting new market entrances by air carriers, and regulation  of passenger carriers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My diary for a week Essay Example for Free

My diary for a week Essay 8. 35 am. I arrive at the hall. I am the first member of staff to arrive so I unlock the cupboard and start getting the equipment we need for the morning out after looking at the daily planning sheet. I first put the tables and chairs out. Other members of staff now start to arrive and help to put the rest out. I then cover the big table with newspaper for our craft item of the morning. Our theme is the sea side. As this is my day today and I take the role of the leader I have chosen to do sun hats. I get the straw from the cupboard to stick onto the hats that I have already cut out. 9,0clock it is now time to let the children in so I go to the door and tell them to come in. I take the fees today so go to the counter where the book and cash tin are. I receive cheques or cash from 4 parents, so right out receipts and enter it in the book. 9. 10 The parents have now all gone home so it is time for me to call the register. I ask the children to sit on the mat. Then I make sure the outside door has been locked. I sit on a small chair in front of the children so I am at their eye level. I ask the children to be quiet as I am about to call their names. I say good morning to each child and most of them say it back. We then count the children together and find we have 15 in this morning. We then talk about what we are going to do today. The children now choose their activity. I go to the craft table and assist the children in their sticking. When all the children have finished their hats I get some old catalogues and some scissors, the children then have the choice to do more gluing. 10. 30 I help to pack some off the toys away then ask the children to sit on the mat for a story. We chose a book together and I read it. After we all talk about it. The children then wash their hands and I get them to sit at the tables. I Ask a little girl whose birthday it is if she would like to hand the biscuits out. I remind them all to say thank you. I then go to a safe place at the big table to have my coffee. 11. 0clock I ask if the children would like the bikes they all say yes so I get them out of the cupboard. I then choose the children that are sat quietly first to have a bike. I sit at the pony table and play with 2 children. 11. 30 I put the bikes back into the cupboard and get the tape recorder out. I put the action song tape on and we all join in with the songs. 11. 45 I give the bags out and let the parents in. I sit with the children until their mum or carer is in the hall. 12. 0clock I lock the cupboard and check the toilets then go home.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing :: Business and Management Studies

Various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing 1 Introduction This report is on the various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing. A list of these Medias was given in which two are researched on and comment on their min applications in direct marketing. Each media should contain its advantages and disadvantages as well as its application in direct marketing. Direct marketing can be defined as ‘†¦a promotion mechanism that allows focused messages to be received by a targeted audience. The main difference between direct marketing and other promotion is that you can closely qualify your audience to deliver a message and other promotion is that you can closely qualify your audience to deliver a message that appeal to their specific needs.’ 9th April, 2005> Direct marketing is basically selling the products directly to the consumers without having to go through any distribution channel. It is either to inform or to educate the consumers with the product that is being introduced, also to maintain the relationship with the consumers so as to obtain brand loyalty. To have a successful direct marketing, it must have the right media that gives information to the consumers about the product or service provided by the company. Among the list of media given, we have chosen television and telemarketing. The most obvious reason for choosing these Medias is because of its cost and availability. Both television and telemarketing are cheap and are easily accessible as almost everyone around the world owns at least one television set and a telephone. 2 Report Objectives The objective of carrying out this report is as follows:  · To comment on the two chosen media’s main application in direct marketing.  · To find out the advantages and disadvantages of television and telemarketing.  · To illustrate by using examples from a known campaign how the television and telemarketing might work together as part of a fully integrated marketing plan to achieve a specific marketing objectives. 3 Findings Information are founded through browsing on the internet, books and also articles to understand better about direct marketing as well as television and telemarketing. In this section of the report, there would be a discussion on what television and telemarketing is. Under each sub – section would have mention the advantages and disadvantages of both television and telemarketing. 3.1 Television Television or TV for short is one of direct marketing’s channels. It is commonly used by marketers because of its effectiveness and many advantages. Television can be defined as ‘†¦a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Native American Culture Essay

Estrangement is the state of being withdrawn or isolated from the objective world, as through indifference or disaffection. Ill-advisedly, the protagonist from â€Å"The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven† is forever bound in this state of mind. His internal conflicts enthrall between fighting for his Native American ethnicity, and, finding his purpose to this world. This link between the two becomes a challenge due to his pessimistic, and protective attitude for his race. The narrator’s volatile actions imply his frustration towards the discrimination against his native Spokane reservation heritage. The protagonists’ Native American upbringing intertwined with White culture challenges his Red and White thinking. The protagonists’ family style upbringing has distilled values that are outlived in his Native American identity. Unfortunately, the protagonist is quite protective of his Native American descent. In fact, his view of people is quite pessimistic towards the Native American race. This rigidness to his ethnicity is foretold in two parts. As humans, we are first born with an identity that is kept close to us, such as Native American, African American, or Grecian. Although we are born with uniqueness; the values we instill to our race are brought about through parent’s effort in raising their children. For Sherman Alexie, he’d developed a cynical character who bares strong connections to his Native American race. The protagonist’s existence and demeanor is uncanny because he’d been destined for a life of prosperity through public schooling and a college education. Found here, â€Å"But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it. I was a new kind of warrior. † This quote reveals his sense of insecurity concerning his life thus far and how he has not lived up to his expectations. â€Å"The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven† exposes a few scenes where the main character is fighting for ethical freedom outside of Spokane. The protagonist’s discriminative experiences begin at a convenience store in Seattle where he feels like a predator lurking amongst his preys. As stated, â€Å"He looked me over so he could describe me to the police later. † The protagonist was familiar with this wicked look; as he’d lost a close relationship to its devilish hands once before. His loss began like this, â€Å"When one person starts to look at another like a criminal, then the love is over. † As Native American, these adverse impressions occur randomly as seen through the Police incident. In this scene, the protagonist had been pulled over in a wealthy neighborhood by the police officer, â€Å"You’re making people nervous. You don’t fit the profile of the neighborhood. † This was a friendly way of saying; you are not wanted in this area, please leave. These occurrences are upsetting to the narrator as they have affected his view of Whites. As the protagonist becomes disgusted with life, he packs his belongings and heads home to Spokane in Washington State. While home, he realizes that connecting to his family and finding peace is not easy. His weak-minded thinking is foreseen here,† They’d been expecting me back the day I left for Seattle. There’s an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. † In fact, while living in Seattle, his dreams became nightmares of a vivid war scene between the Red’s and Whites. The Indians became slaughtered by the Whites and at one point, â€Å"Three mounted soldiers played polo with a dead Indian woman’s head. † This graphic image stays with him as he found accounts of this madness occurred in the old west and in parts of the world today. The protagonist’s dreams and Native American ethnicity have instilled protective beliefs to his ethnicity and real life demeanor towards others. Although he’s strong-willed concerning his background, insecurity remains present. One instance occurs where he starts a job in Spokane at the local high school exchange program. He answers phone calls and asks himself, â€Å"Sometimes I wonder if the people on the other end of the line know that I’m Indian and if their voices would change if they did know. † His insecurity exponentially evolves to every facet in his life and only exacerbates his pessimistic attitude. The cynical behavior by the protagonist has incurred due to several discriminatory experiences. One being, the protagonist’s cup is full; which allows him to believe this Red vs. White rivalry will never change. Because of his ignorance, he leaves no trust to anyone and is forced to run when he encounters discrimination. One situation that symbolizes the protagonist’s doubtful thoughts is encountered at his hometown basketball court. He comes home to find the new BIA chief’s White kid named Jimmy Seyler who can play ball. â€Å"And he could play. He played Indian ball, fast and loose, better than all the Indians there. † That night, Jimmy whooped on every Indian who played Basketball. I recognize this as a change of tone and direction in the protagonist’s life. At this point in time, he realizes that he must submit to his Red vs. White rivalry in order to move forward in his life. Just as Jimmy will advance and become an NBA star, the gap between the two races, White and Indian will only become larger. Indian’s will control the small reservation plains out West while the White culture advances to become a powerhouse figure in the United States of America. Hereafter this epiphany, the protagonist’s life begins to move forward as he starts a new job and connects with his ex-girlfriend once again. .